
Balancing Ministry and Parenthood

Friday, December 13, 2024

The KidzMatter Blog/Balancing Ministry and Parenthood

If you’re reading this, you’re likely a kids' ministry leader. You’re my people! You understand the importance of intentionally pouring into every child God has entrusted to you. The children in your ministry are future leaders in the church and the world, and what you pour into them now will significantly shape who they become as adults. Thank you for the countless hours you put into ensuring the kids at your church can experience God in a life-changing way.

Your job is demanding. If you aren’t intentional about filling up and growing your capacity, it can wear you out. If you don’t prioritize, it can consume your free time. And if you’re a parent, it’s not always easy balancing ministry with the demands and needs of your own children.

Parents—in the midst of all the amazing things you’re doing, which are making an eternal difference, I want to remind you not to overlook this essential truth: Your most important mission field is your home.

I’ll never forget the moment the nurse handed me my newborn. Suddenly, I was hit with a wave of emotions and fear. Her nursery was fit for a princess. Her closet was full of adorable dresses. I had anticipated her arrival! However, at that moment, I realized what this actually meant—hairbows and tutus aside. I’d been entrusted with this tiny human’s life. I would play an enormous part in how she thought and who she would become. What a responsibility! I began to pray and thank God for her life and the woman she would someday become. As I did, I felt the fear break off. I asked God to give me everything I needed to raise a woman of God. That was the moment I understood the importance of family discipleship.

The Word of God is clear about parents’ responsibility to disciple their children:

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

This is one of many passages emphasizing that our children’s spiritual formation begins at home. As a kids' ministry leader, you can supplement and support discipleship for the children in your church, but ultimately, parents are called to lead their children in knowing, loving, and obeying God. This means that while your role in ministry is incredibly significant, it mustn’t eclipse the spiritual responsibility you hold as a parent.

Your children see the real you. They’re deeply impacted by how you live out your faith in private far more than by the sermons you deliver or the lessons you teach. When your kids see you praying, studying the Word, and spending time in God’s presence, they learn what it means to seek God genuinely. You also have many unique opportunities to teach your children about the character, love, and power of God. Look for ways to weave this into everyday conversations. Allow them to see firsthand how God’s truth applies to real life, so they grow up understanding that Jesus isn’t only for Sundays—Jesus is life.

It’s natural to feel the tension between the demands of ministry and family. Discipling your children doesn’t mean you neglect your ministry responsibilities. Rather, create boundaries to ensure your family receives what they need. Some practical ways to do this include:

-Delegate: Raise up a number two! Teach them everything you know. Share your ministry responsibilities with them so you aren’t the only one who knows how to do everything. This is wise to do—not only does it free you up, but it also duplicates your efforts and prepares your ministry for growth.

-Set Limits: Establish boundaries for work hours and stick to them. This can be tricky in ministry, and there are situations where you may need to be available. However, figure out what those situations are ahead of time and use wisdom. There’s a time to work and a time to rest—both are important!

-Be Present: When you’re with your kids, give them your full attention. Ask the Lord for opportunities and wisdom to pour into them and have Christ-centered conversations and life lessons. If we aren’t fully present, those opportunities are too easy to miss.

Be encouraged! You have a weighty responsibility as parents and ministry leaders. However, God has promised to equip you for every good work He has called you to. Your ministry at home is the foundation of your ministry at church. By discipling your children first, you fulfill God’s calling as both a parent and ministry leader. Let your home be a place where faith flourishes. Your ministry and church will be all the stronger for it.

Alysia Gonzales is the Executive Pastor of Ministries at Harvest Church in CA. She oversees kids' ministries to ensure the church's culture is consistently maintained at each campus. Her desire is to empower kidmin leaders to lead with purpose and passion, and to see the next generation raised up ready to influence the church and the world with the power and love of Jesus.

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