
Keys to Discipleship Part Two: Bring Joy

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The KidzMatter Blog/Keys to Discipleship Part Two: Bring Joy

Joy to the world, the Lord has come! We’ve probably all memorized that Christmas song in our childhoods. As an adult, I admit the joy of the holiday season often seems overshadowed by the stress and busyness of life. You could say that this year I went on a quest to find joy.

Find It

Joy is a fruit produced by the Holy Spirit and, therefore, impossible to attain without the Holy Spirit living inside us. We know Jesus embodied joy (and all the fruits of the Spirit) while He was on earth—from the angel’s announcement of His birth and the joy He’d bring to the world to the joy He felt in the redemption of His people, even while facing the cross. Surely I’m not the only one who has had to reread and study how Jesus, facing His torture and death, could find joy in the sacrifice. But joy is so much more than happiness. Joy is a fruit that grows as we walk with the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us.

Jesus’ joy stems from His intimate relationship with God the Father. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus often speaks of His unity with the Father and finds joy in fulfilling His will. This relationship offers a model for believers, highlighting that true joy comes from a deep, personal connection with God.

The joy of Jesus is also closely tied to redemption. His life, death, and resurrection provide the means for reconciliation with God, which brings profound joy to believers. This joy is not just a fleeting emotion; it represents a deep-seated assurance of salvation and eternal life. Jesus encourages His followers not to be troubled, reminding them of the hope they have in Him. This hope is not based on circumstances but on the promise of God’s love.

In John 15:11, Jesus reminds His disciples of His love for them and adds, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” This means Jesus’ joy is meant to be shared with His followers, providing them with a sense of peace and assurance. Jesus emphasizes the importance of community among believers. The joy He experiences is amplified when believers come together to worship Him and encourage one another. This communal aspect of joy reflects the nature of God as a relational being, bonding His family together forever.

Jesus encourages believers to look beyond their present circumstances and focus on the “forever” that awaits them. This eternal perspective allows for joy even in trials and tribulations, as believers understand that their struggles are temporary and that there is a glorious future in Christ.

Bring It

The joy of Jesus is found in serving others and witnessing their transformation. This highlights that true joy often comes from acts of love, kindness, and service. While it may be harder to see, joy is found in the sacrifice of giving of ourselves. There’s joy in taking your teenager to work at 4:30 a.m., in getting water and tissues for your sick child who has been up all night, in doing your husband’s laundry on Sunday because his job keeps him on the road, and in taking an elderly co-worker to vote. The joy of the Lord is our strength to keep going and keep giving. His joy comes with a call to action—to bring joy to others by laying down our lives as He did.

We can experience the joy of the Lord through our service to others, but also in small ways hidden throughout our day. I find joy in the warm breeze blowing through my wind chimes and when my child holds my hand and tells me she loves me. Joy can be found in a text or phone call from a friend, a simple “thank you” when you hold the door for someone, or the smile on someone’s face when you give them a compliment.

In some form or another, joy is found when it is given away. When we bring joy to others—from simple ways to big ways—we experience it ourselves on a deeper level. We should all strive to be completed works in Jesus Christ, and to fulfill that, we must bring joy with us wherever we go. When we focus on giving of ourselves by sharing God’s love and bringing His joy to the world around us, every day can feel like Christmas. Christmas may be a single day on the calendar, but the joy that came to the world in Jesus was meant to be felt every day.

Samantha Moser is a disciple of Jesus who has served in various ministries, often simultaneously, over the last 12 years, most consistently in KidMin. She and her husband, Dallas, homeschool their four children with an emphasis on biblical foundations, world history, and life skills. The couple volunteers as Sunday School teachers for nursery through kindergarten, and Samantha has been a leader in various areas and ages within KidMin for the last six years. This year, she served as VBS director for the first time and can now say she has done every role within VBS. Samantha believes having two sons and two daughters gives her a thorough perspective on what boys and girls are facing today. The Moser family is passionate about serving Jesus and filling needs in all areas of their lives. When they aren’t at church, they enjoy camping and managing their cat, two dogs, and nine chickens.

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