Monday, February 03, 2025
Do you want the kids in your church to love Jesus? There are no formulas, silver bullets, or trade secrets. As frustrating as it may be, you cannot guarantee how any child will respond to your ministry. The real question for today is this: Do you love Jesus?
There are so many wonderful resources, training programs, and ministry methods available. Thousands of books have been written on the subject of effective children’s ministry—thank God for them! However, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds of programming and planning while missing the most important part of your ministry. The purpose of your faith is not the kids you minister to. Your faith must be centered on Jesus from beginning to end. If not, you may be aiming at the wrong target.
The greatest predictor of a child’s future faith is the faith they see in their parents. Biblically and statistically, parents are the most significant spiritual influence in their children’s lives. That said, every child needs other adults in their church community who will partner with parents to intentionally shepherd and disciple them. If parental faith is the strongest influence on a child’s future faith, then your own example is a very close—and incredibly important—second. The way you love Jesus, both in the mundane and in the exciting moments of life, matters deeply in the spiritual development of the kids you minister to.
But take heart—this is not a burden! None of us measure up. Thank God for the cross! Thank God for grace! Be set free from the need to control outcomes. As much as you love the kids in your ministry, they make poor gods. If your joy is centered on how they respond to your ministry, you will always end up empty. Jesus is the point. He is the Beginning and the End. He is not a means to an end, even if that end is as noble (yet impossible) as guaranteeing the faith of these precious children.
As you embrace the joyful privilege of children’s ministry, remember that your efforts truly matter—but only if they are motivated and empowered by Jesus working through you. Without Him, nothing of eternal worth can be accomplished.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me." — John 15:5
There is so much to do in ministry, isn’t there? Setting goals, recruiting volunteers, organizing and implementing events, collaborating with staff, navigating conflict, ordering curriculum, working with a small budget, and never having enough time to do it all. Sometimes, we don’t allow ourselves the rest we need to focus on Him, pursue Him, worship Him, serve Him, and be satisfied in Him. Yet focusing on and relying on Jesus is the only way that genuine gospel fruit will be produced.
In fact, this should be the most encouraging thing you read today: You cannot do this on your own—and Jesus never asked you to. It’s all Him, or it’s nothing.
Today, ask Jesus to grow your reliance on Him. The kids in your church will be blessed as they watch you love Him. Kids who see a life transformed by Jesus will grow up knowing they’ve witnessed real joy and a peace that surpasses understanding. What they choose to do with what you show and teach them is entirely out of your hands. But there is One who is in complete control.
Is He worthy of your trust? Is He enough? Be encouraged today—fall back into His arms with renewed passion and trust Him with your ministry.
Frank Trimble (D.Ed.Min., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Executive Director of Family Time Training in Littleton, CO ( His desire is to see home discipleship become the norm, rather than the exception, in the lives of believers all over the world. His primary ministry is to his wife, Kristin, and their two wonderful daughters, Ava and Olivia.
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