Friday, January 31, 2025
"I love you, Mrs. Judy…" I said as I pulled her into a hug. (Mrs. Judy had taught Sunday School at our church for 25 years, and I had just announced a big curriculum change.)
"You say that to everybody," she replied with a huff.
"Well, I mean it with you!" I retorted, and we both had a good laugh.
A little love goes a long way. We love our volunteers, we couldn’t do what we do without them, and every day is a good day to share some love with our sweet team! Showing love throughout the year draws our volunteers closer, increases retention, and opens their hearts to the regular communication we need to make our ministries strong. Mrs. Judy and I were committed to working through the change because we truly did love each other.
Here are five intentional ways to show some love to your volunteers!
Give it. Find little ways to show you care! Valentine’s Day makes it super easy—you could buy little heart candies or write Valentines to show your love. Our church is hosting a Valentine’s-themed Volunteer Appreciation Event later this month and going BIG to show our thanks! Taking time for these small gestures makes our team members feel special and loved.
Show it. Make sure you communicate that you love your volunteers for who they are, not just for what they do. This might be the hardest thing because it requires time, but it’s worth it. Showing love can look like taking time for coffee with them, listening to their concerns (especially about curriculum changes after 25 years—haha!), and asking good questions. When a volunteer doesn’t show up, we text them to make sure they’re okay—not just to ask where they are.
Share it. Brag on your volunteers to others. Whenever you introduce a volunteer to someone, say something kind and true about them. For example: “Sarah, I’d like you to meet Emily—she is super creative and so patient with the kids! You’re going to love working with her.” Post about your team on social media and share their awesomeness with your church leadership. Everyone feels loved and known when they are celebrated.
Say it. I’ve been in my current role for 14 years and have gotten to know my volunteers pretty well. My team says “I love you” very freely—just like I would with my family—because we are family. Saying “I love you” to everyone feels weird at first, but almost immediately, it feels right. I think it’s because we’re commanded in Scripture to love one another (John 13:34) and even to greet each other with a holy kiss (2 Corinthians 13:12). I’m not kissing my volunteers, but I do greet them with love!
Pray it. Prayer is the most loving thing we can do for our volunteers. When we build a loving relationship with our team, they share their needs with us. Take time to listen and pray for them—even right there in the moment. We are most loved by our Heavenly Father, and we have the privilege of bringing our teams before His throne. Let’s commit to loving our volunteers through prayer.
Annie Double has been the Director of Kids Ministry for the past 14 years at Judson Road Christian Church in Kokomo, Indiana. Annie loves traveling with her family, snuggling her little dog Charlie, & serving with the best team ever.
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