
Spiritual Motivation

Monday, January 20, 2025

The KidzMatter Blog/Spiritual Motivation

It is a damp and foggy early morning. The week has not been easy, and focus is becoming blurry. What can be my strong, never-changing, never-ending motivation to keep my heart from faltering and my feet from growing weary?

Number #1: Look to JESUS
Hebrews 12:2 says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” There is no better example. He is the author of our faith, and He is the finisher. Ponder what that means to you. He transitioned from enduring the cross and shame to sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. He actually found joy in this obedience. Jesus, ultimately, provides any and all motivation that we currently or will ever need.

In Romans 12:1–2, we are urged to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. To successfully become a living sacrifice and sustain living a life of sacrifice, this passage directs us not to be conformed to this world but, instead, to be transformed. How is this achieved? Again, Scripture directs us to renew our minds. Burnout will never attack a renewed mind. Live in the Word and, beyond that, live out the content in complete obedience. The glorious result of this obedient life is one of joy and passionate motivation to serve Him fully and completely.

Number #3: Consider the STEWARDSHIP of your life
Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, states in chapter 3:13–14 that he is “forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward the goal.” Paul is an example of an individual who was highly motivated to utilize every moment of his life to fulfill God’s call and leading. Immediately upon his Damascus Road experience of conversion, his life was given to take the gospel to the Gentile world. His purpose was single-focused and razor-sharp. This section of Scripture is so very challenging, encouraging, and equipping. How are the minutes in our days spent? Where is our devotion? What is our heartbeat? What propels us out of bed and into the difficult and messy lives of others so that we are able to evangelize and disciple? And how does this effectively occur day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year until one is able to look back on a life well lived where touched and transformed lives are abundantly manifested along life’s path? Live out chapter 3. Every verse in Philippians is gold!

There are many Scripture verses that highly recommend living our lives in community with others. Ecclesiastes 4:9–10, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, and Proverbs 17:17 are just a few that are worthy of your consideration. Allow others to speak into your life. Be accountable to others. Find and develop relationships with those who are serious about spiritual living and are growing consistently in their love for Jesus and others. The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who were motivated to follow God wholeheartedly, even in the midst of extreme personal hardship. Reflect on Moses, Joshua, Abigail, Esther, Mary, the disciples, and others. Allow their testimonies to encourage and uplift you. Don’t overlook present-day advisors. Be very aware and watchful for those who are wholly dedicated to serving and influencing others for spiritual good. Surround yourself with these positive and passionate people. These living examples will do much to spur you on to spiritual maturity and fervor. With joyful exuberance, you will keep on keeping on!

Number #5: Be dedicated to excellent SPIRITUAL HEALTH
​“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). When physical sickness is present, it is very difficult to enjoy our existence. It is sometimes excruciating just to accomplish the basic fundamentals of daily living. The same is true with our spiritual health. When we become sluggish in our thinking, when nothing really sounds exciting any longer, when most activities are simply duties to be checked off, and when our general outlook and attitude are consistently negative, it is time to take our spiritual temperature. We must be spiritually healthy to live with enthusiasm, drive, ambition, and a strong sense of godly purpose. Most of us know how to regain that vitality of health. We need the medicine of His Word and our intimate time of prayer and supplication. Abide in Him. Seek Holy Spirit freshness and enabling. What a sweet fellowship is available.

Karen Bishir grew up hearing about Jesus' love and forgiveness from a young age, and when she came to understand the message of salvation through faith in Christ, she embraced God’s grace and forgiveness. Raised in a pastor's home, Karen has continued to live in ministry throughout her adult life alongside her husband, Terry, who has pastored Liberty Baptist Church for 37 years. They are blessed with four married children and 14 grandchildren. Karen is deeply involved in Liberty’s music, women’s, and children’s ministries, and her passion for teaching has led her to serve in homeschool, Christian, and public school settings, as well as within the church. She treasures time with children and their families, and her heart’s desire is to see God working in lives across all generations.

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