Monday, August 26, 2024
If you’re coming to The KidzMatter Conference (and you should be!), by now you’ve surely gotten your tickets, identified the top breakouts to attend, and made travel arrangements. You might have even packed a few things. You’re all set, right? Maybe not. Have you planned your postures?
Here’s what I mean: Along with our clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb or brush (for those of you with hair), and all the other essentials, it’s just as critical that we bring seven core postures, or attitudes, as well. Skip any of these postures, and we’ll still have an amazing conference experience, but we won’t get every last drop out of it that we could have. That’s not to say each posture is of equal importance (that could change based on our season of ministry and a host of other factors) or that we’ll assume each one equally. But it is to say that to have the absolute best conference imaginable, at some point, we’ll assume each of these postures.
Posture #1: Learner
Coming to The KidzMatter Conference as a learner is probably our default position. We’re all in when it comes to attending the main sessions and breakouts. We’re sponges, ready to soak up all we can. That’s one thing I love about kidmin leaders: the humility and openness to grow and learn. The Holy Spirit surely wants to meet with us at The KidzMatter Conference and deepen our knowledge of Christ, our love for Christ, and how we can live more for Christ.
Posture #2: Worshiper
This posture is likely a default too. Back at our churches, it’s difficult to attend worship because of the demands of ministry. And when we do, it’s hard to immerse ourselves in the moment. We’re always on edge, just a tap on the shoulder or a buzz in our pocket away from needing to handle some “crisis.” But none of that’s true at The KidzMatter Conference. There, we’re given the gift of freedom—freedom to let go and enjoy God’s presence.
Posture #3: Reviver
The next posture is probably one that not everyone anticipates, but nearly everyone experiences: recharging our passion for ministry, refining our vision, and growing in our sense of purpose. It’s hard for that not to happen. We’ll enter this mode as we listen to the speakers and breakout presenters, but even more so, by simply being around so many other passionate, like-minded kidmin leaders. Attending The KidzMatter Conference is life-giving, and there will be some who desperately need that.
Posture #4: Equipper
Beyond the main sessions and breakouts, there’s one other huge draw to The KidzMatter Conference: the exhibitor space. With over 100 resource providers, we’re sure to discover amazing tools to help us take our ministry to the next level. We might arrive at the conference knowing what we need or what providers we want to visit. Even so, we should take our time exploring this area; we never know what we might stumble across. And there are always some pretty fun giveaways!
Posture #5: Connector
Some of us are in smaller churches or ministries and must go it alone because we have no choice. Others of us are in larger churches or ministries, but we often feel alone or isolated because no one quite understands what we go through. But that ends once we walk through the conference doors. We are then with an encouraging, loving family of over 3,000 other ministry leaders who get it. Give this posture permission to be a “posture hog.” Invest in friendships—new and old. And don’t leave these connections behind at the conference.
Posture #6: Giver
Some people at The KidzMatter Conference will be main stage speakers, breakout leaders, or resource providers who will have the natural opportunity to pour into others. Most of us won’t be there in any of those roles, but that doesn’t mean we all won’t have the ability to come alongside others and be a giver. We all have experiences, wisdom, and encouragement to share. Even those who are hanging on by a thread and feel we’re running on empty have something to give: the gift of letting others care for us.
Posture #7: Rester
This final posture might be easily overlooked or considered a pipe dream. The KidzMatter Conference schedule is busy. And I’ve just encouraged you to pursue six other postures to squeeze every ounce of benefit out of it. But that doesn’t mean we can neglect this one. Do what you can to rest physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally—even if that means skipping a session or two, finding a quiet corner, or resetting your alarm for 30 minutes later than normal. God made us to rest; it can be an act of worship in itself.
Brian Dembowczyk (Ph.D., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the associate publisher at Thomas Nelson Bibles. He previously served as managing editor of The Gospel Project and in full-time ministry. He is the author of Gospel Centered Kids Ministry (B&H) and Family Discipleship that Works (IVP).
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