
What Is This "Sabbath" You Speak Of?

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The KidzMatter Blog/What Is This "Sabbath" You Speak Of?

A couple of years ago I heard fellow friends in ministry talk about taking a day for Sabbath. My question was, “What is this ‘Sabbath’ you speak of?” Yes, I know what Sabbath is; however, the idea of observing it was so foreign and far-fetched to me. Do people in ministry really do that? How do they do that? What am I doing wrong? There is no way I could take a day off to rest my body and mind and allow Jesus to love on me. When I was bi-vocational, it really was a stretch for me to consider having a day to rest. Even now, as a full-time Children’s Ministry Director, my schedule is jammed packed, making Sabbath unrealistic to me. Everything I am doing is for the Lord. I love what I do. I get so much joy out of it. How could I be doing something wrong?

God knew that people would struggle with taking time to rest; therefore, he made it the very first commandment. That is how important it is. It’s right up there with “Thou shall not murder.” When I thought about it that way, my mindset began to change. I realized that I make time for what I want to make time for, and I did not consider Sabbath a priority. Ouch.

In kid’s ministry, a Sunday Sabbath is absolutely out of the question, but you already know that. I decided to make a full day to rest a priority. This was a HUGE deal and a major shift. We are talking lifestyle change. I started with focusing on one week at a time. I chose Saturday as my Sabbath. The first time I took an entire day and didn’t work at all, I felt so much anxiety. It was difficult not to think of all the things that needed to get done. I will be so bold to even say that I felt guilty for not working. It took so much intentionality to make this shift.

Each week I would decide on what day I would rest. If I couldn’t do Saturday due to an event, I would choose Friday. The more I took a time for Sabbath, the more I understood why God made it a commandment. (I wish you could hear my voice and excitement as I make this next statement.) IT IS AMAZING!!! I feel rested. My mind is more at peace. My spirit is full. I feel strengthened to conquer all the tasks within my ministry AND deal with people in a godly, loving way. I now find that my entire schedule seems to come together the rest of the week when I take time to rest. I make better decisions on how I spend my time.

I have a lady on my KidMin team that was telling me about how her family has “Sabbath plates.” They are just paper plates, so they don’t have to do the dishes. Brilliant!!! I have also learned that there are many ways to get rest. I generally spend my day off at home or taking a nature walk. However, a pastor friend of mine goes on a long bike ride. Just as that bike ride brings him joy and rest in God, the walk and time at home do the same for me.

KidMin friend, I see you. I know how difficult and time-consuming our job is. If you are not taking time for a day of rest, I implore you to start. It is possible, and it makes a difference. You will be a better leader and have more strength to do the ministry God called you to.

Debbie Rhoades is a KidMin veteran with more than 30 years of ministry experience. She is currently the Children’s Ministry Director at Grace Chapel in Franklin, Tennessee. Debbie is the author of “The Plate: The Who, What, Why, How, and How-Not-To’s of Burnout” and has another book coming out in September at the KidzMatter Conference called “Hold My Glitter, Overcoming Obstacles in Ministry.” She is also a contributor of KidzMatter Magazine and a faculty member for KidMin Academy.

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